- Auto Captcha Resolve
- Captcha Pop-Up Window When Timer Is Over
- Auto Claim Prizes After 25/50/100 surfings, so you don't need to stay with your eyes in front of EasyHits4U.com WebPage
- Auto Captcha Resolve after 30 seconds if you have some business to do :)
- Java Scripts and IE scripts bypassing
- Undetectable
- .Net Framework 3
- Auto Captcha Resolve
- Captcha Pop-Up Window When Timer Is Over
- Auto Claim Prizes After 25/50/100 surfings, so you don't need to stay with your eyes in front of EasyHits4U.com WebPage
- Auto Captcha Resolve after 30 seconds if you have some business to do :)
- Java Scripts and IE scripts bypassing
- Undetectable
- .Net Framework 3
been suspended